3 Steps to Preventing Gum Disease

Did you know that over three-quarters of Americans have some sort of gum disease? Don’t want to become one of…

11 years ago

What Is Gingivitis?

You’ve heard a lot about gum disease from our Boise dentists and others, but what is it really? We’ll answer…

11 years ago

5 Signs of Gum Disease

Wondering how to know if you have gum disease? Here are five signs that could mean you have a gum…

11 years ago

Straightening and Aligning: #4 of 4 Areas of Boise Cosmetic Dentistry

Sometimes you can only do so much with porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, or gum shaping when looking at Boise cosmetic…

11 years ago

A Dental Fix for Tooth Discoloration: #3 of 4 Areas of Boise Cosmetic Dentistry

One of the most common problems addressed by Boise cosmetic dentistry, tooth discoloration can be a fast and easy dental…

11 years ago

Adding Grafts, Dental Veneers, and Boise Crowns and Bridges: 1 of 4 Areas of Treatment with Boise Cosmetic Dentistry

Welcome to our first in a series of four articles on Boise cosmetic dentistry! The first area our Boise dentists…

11 years ago

Removing Gum Tissue and Reshaping Teeth for Boise Cosmetic Dentistry: #2 of 4 Areas of Treatment

Boise cosmetic dentistry doesn’t just mean adding things to a patient’s teeth. There are at least two ways that our…

11 years ago

Summit Dental Heads to Cambodia to Provide Dental Care

Dr . Ritchie, Jen and Kellie from our Summit Dental team are volunteering to provide dental treatment to Cambodian islanders.…

11 years ago

Advice from Boise Dentists: How Often Should Dental X-Rays be Taken?

Wondering how often you should get dental x-rays or how safe dental x-rays are? Our numbers and recommendations vary with…

11 years ago

Dental X-Rays Vs. Impressions – What’s the Difference?

Have you ever been confused about the difference between Boise dental x-rays and impressions? Both take a panoramic view of…

11 years ago

How a Boise Dentist Performs Smile Restoration

Before and After: Image via Flickr by Dr. Alper, DMD, Cosmetic DentistWondering how a Boise dentist at Summit Dental Group can restore…

11 years ago